The Block Party

Get access to every section we currently offer, as well as all future additions, with a single purchase.

One time fee of $299

Currently valued at over $900

What's in it for you?

Get every single section

Get every section we've ever built and all future sections, unlimited usage on unlimited websites.

Exclusive Facebook group

Become a member of our Block Party Facebook group with like-minded Shopify entrepreneurs.

Access to our courses

Get lifetime access to all of our content, including our upcoming Shopify courses & checklists.


Every section at your fingertips...

Unlimited usage. Unlimited downloads. Unlimited websites.

Social Media Icons

Image with Hover Effects

Mini Icon Menu

CTA Button

Scrolling Marquee

Line Separator

Liquid Multicolumns

Progress Bars

Fancy Multicolumns

Liquid with Shopify Forms

Stylized Headings

& all future sections & updates...

Social Media Icons

Image with Hover Effects

Mini Icon Menu

CTA Button

Scrolling Marquee

Line Separator

Liquid Multicolumns

Progress Bars

Fancy Multicolumns

Liquid with Shopify Forms

Stylized Headings

& all future sections & updates...

Social Media Icons

Image with Hover Effects

Mini Icon Menu

CTA Button

Scrolling Marquee

Line Separator

Liquid Multicolumns

Progress Bars

Fancy Multicolumns

Liquid with Shopify Forms

Stylized Headings

& all future sections & updates...

Social Media Icons

Image with Hover Effects

Mini Icon Menu

CTA Button

Scrolling Marquee

Line Separator

Liquid Multicolumns

Progress Bars

Fancy Multicolumns

Liquid with Shopify Forms

Stylized Headings

& all future sections & updates...

Ready to join the block party?

One time fee of $299